Is Your Dinner Invite for Roaches Too?


Cockroaches are commonly found in warm, moist environments like your basement. Then, they explore your house through drains and pipes. If you leave food out on the counter or dirty dishes piled in the sink, you could be setting yourself up as host of a big cockroach party that extends well beyond the normal places to discover the disease-ridden creatures. Some people are very surprised to find an infestation in their ovens.

Isn’t That a Myth?

Many people believe it’s just a myth that cockroaches will take over an oven. It is not. Cockroaches can and will inhabit your oven. Cockroaches carry E. coli, salmonella, and other sorted diseases. For most of us, it is truly horrifying to find our beloved baking appliance full of cockroaches.

Why the Oven?

As discussed earlier, cockroaches like warm, dark places. They also like food. The oven checks off most of the boxes on their real estate wish lists. Ovens usually hold food crumbs, warmth, darkness and even some condensation.


Yes, cockroaches will also infest your microwave oven. Insects are known to survive microwaves due to the dead zones created by the radiation. A microwave only heats up certain parts of the interior of the appliance. Insects instinctively avoid the hot zones. Additionally, cockroaches have very few water molecules in their bodies. Since microwaves vibrate water molecules, causing them to heat up, cockroaches can take up a permanent residence in microwave ovens. Cockroaches can be found in the LED time display of your microwave or you may simply see them walking around in the interior of the microwave.

Why Are Roaches in the Oven Such a Big Deal?

Cockroaches carry over 30 types of bacteria and spread six parasites. They can contaminate your food and your oven. They can stir up or exacerbate allergies, especially in children. They can contaminate food and cookware stored below the oven, and can give you food poisoning or something even worse.

How do I Evict Them?

Act now. Improper care can create a toxic environment in your oven, leaving it unsafe to cook any food. Order Redully® Roach Control Treatment to rid your residence of the vile insects.


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