Finding Roaches in Your Kitchen Sink?

 Why Cockroaches Are Attracted To Your Home Even When It's ...

Redully is an organic proprietary compound that is environmentally friendly. Kind to humans and pets, but deadly to roaches! Our bait attracts roaches and eliminates them in a few weeks!

While cockroaches can go up to a month without food to eat, they can only go 7 days without water so you will likely see them near water sources, such as your kitchen sink. Cockroaches are even known to access a home by traveling through drain pipes and will infest indoor areas by using the drain of your kitchen sink as a gateway to the privacy of your home.

If you have been seeing cockroaches crawling around your kitchen sink, especially late at night when you take a trip to the kitchen and flick the lights on, it can be a horrible sight to see. Removing cockroaches from your kitchen sink and your entire home is possible if you follow this guide below.

Why Cockroach Infestations Should Be Taken Seriously

Unless you have a thing for brown creepy crawlies taking over your home, no one likes the sight of cockroaches. The idea of a cockroach infestation can be embarrassing and can give off the perception to visitors that you are a slob and don’t take care of your home like you should. If an infestation is present, you would likely do anything you can to remove the invasion and erase the reputation of your home being a cockroach magnet.

However, cockroach infestations are more than just an annoyance or blow to your vanity—they are a health hazard. If you have a cockroach infestation, you are more likely to get sick and are more at risk of catching diseases than if you didn’t have a cockroach problem.

Cockroaches are attracted to filth and as a result, they carry whatever bacteria or germs from their frequenting of unsanitary places on their feet wherever they go. This means that when they crawl over your kitchen counters and belongings, they are leaving tracks of the very same filth. It is through this behavior that cockroaches are able to spread disease-causing bacteria like salmonella and dysentery as well as contaminate food.

Aside from this cockroaches also are nasty in how they leave droppings wherever they frequent. Not only does this leave an unpleasant smell but can also contain pathogens that can trigger allergic people to experience asthma attacks.

This is why if you have a cockroach infestation, you should not delay in proactively doing something about it because the cockroach population will only grow larger and larger as time goes by.

Why Cockroaches Frequent the Sink

You might be wondering if roaches come up through the drains?  There is really not an easy answer to that particular question, yes some cockroaches can enter to drains, but typically they are found there because they are in search of moisture.

Cockroaches are a very simple creature to satisfy. All they need are three basic essentials: food, water and shelter. The food comes from all the left behind crumbs, spills and dirty dishes that go unwashed and piled up in your sink. As long as you offer them all of this, cockroaches will keep on coming back for more.

Let’s say you do a good job about washing your dirty dishes. It usually takes a lot of water to clean everything up and more often than not you have splash over water left behind or you may forget to dry off your sink after dish washing. This provides cockroaches with an oasis of water to quench their thirst when night falls and you are fast asleep in bed (cockroaches are nocturnal, so they do most of their scavenging for food late at night.)

Another reason why cockroaches are making your kitchen sink a popular place to hangout is if you aren’t regularly clearing out your garbage disposal, food that goes down the drain collects there so cockroaches get both the water they need and food to enjoy on top of that. 

Cockroaches also are naturally attracted to moisture and thus they are going to be where the moisture is. This is why they are almost always around plumbing and often they also use plumbing and drain pipes to travel and gain access into a home from outdoors. This can especially be a problem if you are living in an apartment where plumbing pipes are interconnected between multiple units. Cockroaches take full advantage of this and use the plumbing pipes as passageways to new apartments, coming up from the drains either from the bathroom sinks or the kitchen sink.


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